Sunday, January 23, 2011

ok, i admit

... i'm not made for the kitchen.

could not possibly imagine how cooking a simple mac and cheese dinner dish can turn into blunders of mishap. Mr milk went spilling all over the floor thinking it's fun, and Mr. Fire decided to go all out to take revenge on my brunch, darkening part of my pot i'm now dreading to clean. Great, just great. Lost my appetite, and now I'm munching on undercooked Spongebob and Co. pasta drenched in cheese paste which I think is a shade too dark for my liking.

I have two more packets. anyone interested in biting off miniature Spongebobs and Toy Story characters??

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sometimes I wish I was a tech geek.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


The start of 2010 was spent on Miami's South Beach gazing at explosions in the sky, with a can of good ol' Budweiser in hand, surrounded by a bunch of happy crazy people ushering in the new year. 2011, however, started with a nice twist, watchnight service in church, and I'm glad I chose to start it the right way this year.

In honesty, I'm not ready to close 2010 as another chapter of my life just yet. It's been such an incredible journey albeit the tears and rainfalls. If you hadn't notice, in 2010, I'm a changed person, from an introvert sweet girl to a crazy outgoing girl with a bold personality. If you were shocked, I'm equally shocked as well.. but I will only reply:- "funny how situations and circumstances changes someone"...

15 days into 2011, and I'm finally embracing 2011. In 2010, I threw off the drawn lines, stepped into the deep end of the pool, enjoyed the very essence of freedom with no boundaries. In 2010, my formula was to live life to the fullest being 21! and I pretty much did. Reality hits when you turn 22, when career comes into place... so for 2011, I'm going to focus on the more important things in life and quit trying to have a foot in everything else in the world. It's not easy, but being jaded at 22 is not ideal! Resolution for 2011? Quality over Quantity.

The clock just strike 1.23am! I'm off to bed for now, so I'll be energized for work tomorrow!
May 2011 be a bright year ahead, where dreams are fulfilled, and hearts are joined.
Have a Fantastic Latte Friday! (;